
School Lunch Programs Make a Difference!

Styrofoam trays, stinky milk cartons and picky eaters are just a few of the special challenges of tackling waste in cafeterias.

In our region, principals, teachers, parents, PTA’s, Master Recyclers and even students organize green teams, monitor cans, create durable party kits, sell sustainable products for fundraisers and even rinse out milk cartons. These projects are conserving natural resources in the tons.

Food Waste Prevention in a Neighborhood Near You!

Food Waste Prevention in a Neighborhood Near You!

Food requires an enormous amount of resources and energy to grow, manufacture and transport, and yet Americans waste 30% of the food they purchase. Steve Cohen, Food Policy Coordinator for the City of Portland says, “Imagine if people purchased three bags of groceries and left one sitting out in the parking lot. That is basically what the average American is doing with their groceries, except it happens at home.”